The fucker has seventy-seven novels written.
It is no where near worth the time.
I refuse to devote such effort to a man who produces such worthless dribble.
Granted, it can only be assumed hes written at least one decent novel, in a room full of monkeys hammering away at a keyboard kind of way, but I will just not partake in such a quest.
If James Patterson ever happens upon this (Most likely he is far too busy splashing around in money laughing at the pawns purchasing novel after novel or joyously reverent in all the movie deals coming in to do anything for himself) he is more than welcome to polish my bone.
"James Patterson has written nothing of note to anyone who isn't just looking to buy their nephew or uncle a book without taking the time to find out what they might like to read."
-Skull Duggery
Please note this posting went on for quite a bit but was filled with little more than incomprehensible hammerings at the keyboard. An example I kept- "kjkshlgk jkoKLJHESJKGJ SDFUCKKJSF jlkaj gjhsdg cuntk jfh sjagkhjds hkj"
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