Interesting guy #1 - Hey man, what are you up to?
Interesting guy #2 - Meh, just working on this puzzle, wanna help?
Interesting guy #1 - Uhh... Yeah bro! lets do it up.
Interesting guy #2 - Dude.. what are you doing, find the corners and then do the sides first.
Interesting guy #1 - Oh okay yea for sure.
Interesting guy #2 - Okay why would that piece go there? look at the box. put that one in this pile.
Interesting guy #1 - Oh, ha yea my bad man, my bad.
Interesting guy #2 - okay you can't just jam them in your going to ruin it.
Interesting guy #1 - sorry man, i thought it was gonna fit.
Interesting guy #2 - Okay fine man, but your busting up my puzzle so... come on.
Interesting guy #1 - Okay okay, didn't think it would be that big of deal sorry.
Interesting guy #2 - Yeah well, my mom got this for me alright?
Has this or anything like this ever happened to you?
Well if it has your not alone...
Im not here to bash on puzzles boards, I actually like puzzles, most of them anyways.
But isn't it odd how there seems to be this un written rule on how to actually go about completing them? And if you don't know these rules then you are officially a jack ass.
Did the first fucking puzzle ever made come with a damn instruction pamphlet in it? explaining how to do puzzles, because if so, i will gladly retract everything I'm about to say! Did I miss this class in my life course in Junior high? Or when I went to pre-school did my teacher peg me as a jack ass from day 1 and decide to not even bother?
"Oh there goes little chappell... oh.. oh aww, he just tripped on his shoelace. Well, ill just put this puzzle away... "
Fuck it...Im just going to start framing all my 4 x 4 kinder puzzles, and start hanging them on my wall.
Interesting guy #1 - Its a fucking kinder surprise..

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