Our Silly Attempt

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Scorned Acorns has socks.

People who try and be 'nice guys' piss me off. Well, in one case specifically. You know when you are opening a door to let yourself into a building, and someone is right behind you, so you hold the door for them? totally legit, I know. These people are 'real' nice guys, they don't think twice about it, it just happens and nothing more comes from it. The people that fucking piss me off are the people who are trying to fucking hard. I am like twenty steps behind them and they hold the door. This leaves me with two options:
1. Keep the pace I had previously decided to walk at.
2. Make a little hobble/jog towards them, and the awaiting open door.
Well, in case number one, which is far more comfortable for myself, I look like the asshole and he looks like a supremely nice guy. Fuck that. In the second situation, I would be spending more energy running than it would have taken to open the door all by myself like a big boy. Basically, it comes down to looking like an asshole and wasting precious energy, which the average internet blogger has in short supply.

I fucking hate all of you nice guys, fuck off and mind your own business and doors. 


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