Our Silly Attempt
Monday, September 26, 2011
Scorned Acorns on getting too personal?
Shit isn't personal. This isn't some Whinehouse shit right here, in no way should we be affiliated with the imagination of some crying asshole talking shit over the internet about some lost idea of love. Fuck that shit, we don't condone it and I for sure was not conveying that.
I think we need a graph.
Thank you Kid Zone Create-A-Graph, oh you are so mighty helpful.
If any offense is ever taken, I guarantee that I wanted you to get offended. Never will you see some slippery shit going down here and little nibbles taken out of people. It's all or fucking nothing. Deal with it and don't get sloppy.
Sloppy Second Jones.
Self aware and self loathed.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Scorned acorns is not what you thought.
Assumptions won't get you far with me neither fuck that shit and most likely fuck you for assuming I'm not talking about you.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Scorned Acorns: The king is dead

So in light of current events in my life, I have decided to come online and scorn a little place a few people like to call
Burger King...
Over the last few months I've made some decisions in life to try and better my health. One of those being to smoke a lot more mari... AHHEEM. I mean stop eating fast food, clearly. haha but actually
I found every time I finished eating a fast food meal I felt like a dog who just realized that eating his food and the cats food was a really bad idea.
I went a few months with out any fast food and it was great. But Anyways to make a long story short, Yesterday my friends and I decided a little BK might hit the spot. So with my lowered inhibitions I gave in and we all went, and as you do when you go to a fast food place, you order way to much food than you actually need so that when its later on and you and your friend are hungry you can surprise him, and bust out some extra eats!
Commence Rejoicing!
Unfortunately my story goes a little differently. When I woke up the next morning around 4am, all sleepy and hungry, I decided to walk upstairs and with out even thinking, I started eating a chicken sandwich. Sadly though, it was the grossest thing I'd ever eaten... And I couldn't even finish the damn thing. At least I filled my stomach with something I thought to myself. I got in my car and made my way to my grandmas. Once there she was going to take me to the hospital for my scheduled ACL reconstruction surgery... which I had been planning for over a year and a half.
Now If you're sitting there reading this and asking "Wait a second... uhh Andrew... aren't you not supposed to eat before an operation?"
Well then you would be correct...
And now I have to wait at least another month before they can do my ACl, which means A month of walking around with this... All thanks to the king.
Commence Facepalm...

Thursday, September 15, 2011
Scorned Acorns lives beneath the worlds largest beaver dam
There it is folks. An 850m wide monstrosity of mud and timber flooding the landscape a few hundred kilometers north of Fort Mac. According to the above article, it is estimated this rodent-engineered construction would have taken at least twenty years from ground up, which was first noticed by Google satellites a few years back. Twenty fucking years? That's all it took for a few pelts to erect a vacuum-viewed monument to the stars? Not to mention the majority, if not the entirety, of those twenty years were spent working by moonlight. Don't get me wrong, beavers are cool and all, and I suppose they do owe us a little humiliation (if not a flensing), but...
Fuck. Great Wall of China my ass. How long did that crumbling piece of shit take? Two, three hundred years during the Ming Dynasty? Successively over a few thousand years? Too many fucking zeros if you ask me. Anytime I hear something along the lines of, "Oh man can you believe humans built something like the Great Wall of China!?!?!? You can see that shit from space!", all I'm going to see is this shit-eating grin:
Look at that self-satisfied little fart. I guess I don't mean that. Scorned Acorns approves of beavers.
Aren't they great?
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Scorned Acorns' eyes hurt.
So there i was, just browsing blogs and supporting the overly-friendly community, when i was shot in the face by this:
Jesus Christ. I dare you to read a paragraph and proceed to look at anything else. I feel like my retinas have been burned to damnation. I need this woman to look up a page or two about saturation, pleasing colours, and interesting content.
She claims to be doing 365 pictures (daily) of her life in 2009. I counted about 6, but it was a novel idea and a good attempt nonetheless. Shit is hard, keeping up with life and clicking pictures of it every day is definitely a ballsy move. I would think if you thought your life was interesting enough for this kind of thing to work then you would've taken a few more interesting photos, most of them don't tell us anything, there's no riveting story, no nothing,
Actually wait, there was something.
She is calling people shmucks for not leaving comments! It's right there in the header!
Well this is my comment.
Fuck your 2009. Fuck your colour scheme.
Scorned Acorns believes Monkey's in Barrels are unrealistic.
Have you ever imagined this actually happening? "More fun than a barrel of monkeys?" What the shit is that about? That doesn't look fun at all! Looks to me like a bunch of shit disturbers are about to go ape on whoever put them inside that fucking oak barrel. But wait. THERE'S MORE.
This is bullshit. Monkeys would never do such a stupid thing. They wouldn't come out of a barrel, and they certainly wouldn't hang on to each other to make these giant chains...I'm envisioning a classic tale, as retold by Disney, THE MOTHER FUCKING JUNGLE BOOK. That shit was bad-ass. But even now looking back on such a beautifully crafted film I must admit it has lost a lot of respect. They are guilty of it too. All hanging off each other like as if they were best buds, stealing up strange human children relaxing on top of floating bears, the rest of the situation is totally believable, but have you ever watched monkeys in nature? that shit hates each other, its ruthless.
The one occasion i could see something like the above (remove beard) happening would be in a case where a monkey was about to purposefully drop another to their doom. Mad respect for king Louis though.
Look at that crazy bad-ass. There's no way I'd mess with that shit, he's potentially got more swagger than Jagger.
OK bad example, but it rhymed so fuck off. I want to figure out where this assumption that monkeys do this kind of shit like its an everyday thing comes from, grab the asshole who thought it up and tear a little hole in his sack, only to shove a few marbles into it before sewing it back up. That shit would be heavy all day every day and he'd have to try and think up an explanation to explain why he's always grabbing his junk to family and friends.
I also can't help but think the Japanese are laughing at us for making such a ridiculous assumption, and have therefore flooded our market with games like "Donkey Kong", in which all you do is jump in and out of barrels. The worst part is is that those games are fucking fantastic, so I can't help but allow myself to be subject to such a cock-brained idea. I bet if I was caught off guard and someone asked me if monkey's did this kind of shit, I would answer yes, and they could go away thinking I'm an asshole. Fuck you barrel of monkeys. One sec I'm going to look a little into this.
word historian Charles E. Funk wrote: "One monkey arouses a great deal of amusement. Two or more then double the...amusement. If one were to release a barrelful...of monkeys, we must suppose that their antics would become hilariously comical."
Who the fuck put this guy in charge? That is the worst presumption I've ever heard. I think this guy did even less sleuthing than I did!
In closing, Fuck you and respect the monkeys.