Try more like 100. Check the graph:
Honestly, think about every store you've ever purchased anything at, chances are, you are a member.
I mean fuck, I realized this week that apparently i have 'plum rewards' points for chapters, which i have no idea when i signed up for it, but also weird 'best buy dollars' or something...which i was aware of but had no idea that it expired, it takes 30 days for it to come into play and then it only lasts 30 days...what the fuck is the point of this system in the first place? i just don't get it. They don't even tell you what its good for.
Congratulations! you have 675 plum points!
Fuck i hope that means i also have (hidden somewhere) 914 banana points. I got to be honest here i don't eat many plums, they never tickled my fancy but if I get 914 free bananas at some point in my life then i think i'd be pretty pleased about my purchases at banana republic.
ON TOP OF THIS what the hell do plums have to do with a book store? i really don't get any of this.
What ever happened to good old fashioned promotions like paper Canadian Tire money, every one has thirty five cents, and never uses it, but gad damn it looks great in a wallet doesnt it?
I'm scared to know how many random stores have my phone number or email address on file for the one time i purchased something tiny from their stupid place yet had to know my information. Get it over with already, put a chip in my thumb and let that track me and be my bank account, at least that will at least make me feel like a cyborg.
Wow talk about ramble. sorry about this.
Fuck you gumby.
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