So in light of current events in my life, I have decided to come online and scorn a little place a few people like to call
Burger King...
Over the last few months I've made some decisions in life to try and better my health. One of those being to smoke a lot more mari... AHHEEM. I mean stop eating fast food, clearly. haha but actually
I found every time I finished eating a fast food meal I felt like a dog who just realized that eating his food and the cats food was a really bad idea.
I went a few months with out any fast food and it was great. But Anyways to make a long story short, Yesterday my friends and I decided a little BK might hit the spot. So with my lowered inhibitions I gave in and we all went, and as you do when you go to a fast food place, you order way to much food than you actually need so that when its later on and you and your friend are hungry you can surprise him, and bust out some extra eats!
Commence Rejoicing!
Unfortunately my story goes a little differently. When I woke up the next morning around 4am, all sleepy and hungry, I decided to walk upstairs and with out even thinking, I started eating a chicken sandwich. Sadly though, it was the grossest thing I'd ever eaten... And I couldn't even finish the damn thing. At least I filled my stomach with something I thought to myself. I got in my car and made my way to my grandmas. Once there she was going to take me to the hospital for my scheduled ACL reconstruction surgery... which I had been planning for over a year and a half.
Now If you're sitting there reading this and asking "Wait a second... uhh Andrew... aren't you not supposed to eat before an operation?"
Well then you would be correct...
And now I have to wait at least another month before they can do my ACl, which means A month of walking around with this... All thanks to the king.
Commence Facepalm...

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