What I am getting at is that one of my biggest pet peeves is when someone asks me to remind them to do something. When did it become socially expectable to just throw your responsibility to someone else. Its a lose lose situation for you. Unless your one of the people who are all about helping your fellow man or whatever.
Just listen though,
If some one asks you to remind them to do something you have two options.
1. You can say no. This will make you seem like an asshole, and we can't have that now can we.
2. You agree to do the favour, and remind your friend to do whatever it is they needed to do.
now option 2 leads you to three possible outcomes
1. You forget to remind your friend, friend doesn't remember what he has to do. He now is rightfully able to lash out and blame you for the miss hap.
2. You forget to remind your friend, friend DOES remember, but is quick to remind you of how you failed him and how upset his is at you.
3. You remember to remind your friend, friend is reminded and proceeds to do what he had to do, and goes on about his day. Now if for some reason your friend is congratulated for doing said task that you needed to reminded him of. Your help is immediately forgotten and no thank you is ever given.
example: "Hey man! After I got back to work from picking up my bosses dry cleaning he gave me his company hockey tickets which i'm taking my girlfriend to. anyways I gotta go take easy buddy." oh.. p.s i don't care about you.
So there is a little life secret for you. Just keep asking people to remind you to do things because clearly they have nothing better to do with there lives then help you with yours.
Oh by the way, my uncle never got the milk and I was blamed...
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