Our Silly Attempt

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Scorned Acorns just had unsatisfactory toast

Fuck that. Toast should satisfy always. It's fucking toast. Fuck disappointing toast.


  1. I once prosed a question to a friend. Never eat toast again or never wear black. She chose the toast.

    Toast always satisfies. There was clearly something inexplicably wrong with either with your mental state when you ate the toast, OR your preparation of the toast. As I do not believe you to be unable to complete the simple task of putting the bread into an toaster, setting it to your desired time and then buttering said toast, i can only conclude you were in a sour mental state.


  2. Believe it or not, there was actually something fundamentally wrong with the toast. I just can't put my finger on what.

  3. Agreed, Toast is not always satisfying, for someone to think something such as toast is perfect and can never be bad wether its the bread, toaster, or toasty (if you will) is ridiculous and just plain stupid. While I agree toast is usually good, it is possible for toast to be bad, and unsatisfying. And when that does happen, its rightfully something to be mad about.

    -semicolon close bracket

  4. You know what Mr. "I am going to have realistic expectations for toast", fuck you.
