I am sure there a good number of people out there who "toiled" with switching back and forth between The Splashmaster and Charizard solely for xp purposes, and Magikarps eventual evolution into Gyarados. Fuck Gyarados and fuck those people.

"Long-lived Magikarp are able to utilize their immense splashing power to leap high enough to jump mountains. Magikarp also have a strong enough immune system to survive in the most polluted of waters."
Fuck yes.Compare that to the special abilities of its shitty successor:
"Gyarados, like most dragon-like Pokémon, has a high Attack stat, causing it to rely more on physical attacks than special ones. It is one of the few Water-types able to wield both Fire-type andElectric-type attacks. Its fangs can crush stones and its scales are harder than steel."
Sounds like they made that shit up. I bet Gyarados isn't even real.
Sidenote: I have been dubbed pretentious for liking Magikarp
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