There are many things in life that i enjoy ( i will list them for you another day ). And sleep my friends is one of them, thats why i CANT STAND IT when i wake up at 6:52 am in the morning, all hot and bothered!

BUT MOSTLY i hate waking up to early in the morning because the world as you know it has completely changed... While you were off nestled in your bed dreaming about baby budahs being integrated into your school until giant bugs attack, and its up to you to save a tiny chiwawa.

Im not making that up... that was just the only dream i could remember... yeah.
Anyways as i was saying. As your dreaming whatever the HAY you were dreaming the world around is changing! AND SUDDENLY you wake up, and that tiny little light on your computer/fan has now for some reason become 1000 times brighter then you remember it!

But hey who cares right!? you'll just muster up the energy you have (NONE) and go block it with some clothing. OH thats right you WOULD do that if your room wasn't looking like some Black and White scary sci-fi movie where the second you get up from bed, the pile of clothing on the floor which now looks like a Gargoyle who wants your very soul will attack you!

Now it may not be a gargoyle the list includes.
- Crocodiles/Alligators
- El Diablo
- Any famous or non famous leprechaun
- A dead person
- Mary
- Some dog you don't recognize
The list continues... so submitted for the approval or the woken up way to early society I declare this story...
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