so My quesetion is WHY?
Who the fuck is Waldo?
And WHY do we Care so much about where he is or what he's doing! dear lord.
If you gave a kid a where's Waldo book that had no fucking tittle on it, do you really think he would start looking for waldo?
NO! he would look at 15-20 pages of ridiculous people, in ridiculous situations!
At no point would he put down the book and realize some fucking dude is in every picture!
And if he did, it would go something like this!
kid-"wait a second!... WAIT A SECOND! hey hey buddy look at this! Im pretty sure this same guy shows up in all these pictures!"
buddy-"what guy?"
"this guy man"
-"the guy with a red and white turtle neck?"
"yeah. Yeaah! look"
-"he looks like a douch" and walk away...
Im not saying Waldo is a douche, I actually quite enjoy the books. But after long consideration, i actually find them quite disturbing. If what and where Waldo is doing is so important, why did Martin Handford shrink him into this 5mm cartoon character and HIDE HIM! why not call the book What and Where Waldo is doing, and stop waisting my time... no one takes giant panoramic pictures of where they are, put them in there scrap book and then when there showing people go...
"Okay so here i am in spain standing in a plaza in Barcelona"
-"uhh where are you?"
"right there..."
-"hmm yeah... not seeing you, its kind of a incredibly large picture"
"come on silly right there next to guy eating a cake! Im wearing that cute blue scarf your sister gave me"
-"uhh nope... not seing it, there are literately 5000 people in this picture."
"come on! you can find me!"
-"NO fuck just point yourself out!"
No one does that. so why would Waldo?.. fuck!
Oh man, why all the hate? Sure he look's like a douche and yeah, it takes 30 minutes to find the guy. But that's the god damn point. Have you never been waiting in that drab, dull hell hole of a doctor's waiting room? Remember when you had that cough? That incessant nagging cough. You know what Waldo did for that 10 year old me? He made the time fly by. That thirty minutes waiting was less concentrated on the sickness, and more on locating this would traveler. Much like Dorthy Mantooth, Waldo is a saint, a saint you hear me? so yeah, if you don't have thirty minutes to spare, don't pick up one of his books. But, if you need to take your mind off of something, have a gander.
World traveler* ... heh.